LGBTQ-SU – Creating More Resources

After returning to campus for the Spring semester this year, I began working at the new LGBTQ+ Resource Center under Dena Salerno, who recruited me to the LGBTQ Task Force the year prior. That task force was the reason this center finally became established, and I’m proud to say the center is now located in the lower level of our new LGBTQ housing available to all students. The center includes an office for our staff/faculty member working throughout the week, and a lounge with informational resources and sexual health items, as well as crafts, games, sensory toys, snacks and a Smart TV up for grabs for students.

As a student employee, my basic tasks include running errands for the center, making sure all food and drinks are stocked, cleaning and tidying, washing the seat covers, and engaging with anyone who comes into the center with a question or just a desire for company. My specific assignments include arranging events that aren’t queer-specific and attract large groups on campus, and setting up specific LGBTQ+ sensitivity training for staff and faculty at Susquehanna University.

In order to consider the Resource Center a true success, I feel that we must engage with all communities on campus and develop a positive reputation, especially with other minority/marginalized groups. This is why I took on the task of creating and running events that cater towards all types of students, such as craft nights and other fun activities or a joint event with another group/club on campus. I am most excited about gathering information and training for staff and faculty, as I love being a voice for my community while taking on the burden of working through conservative and often hurtful mentalities and comments in order to do it. I have actually been invited to the Northbay Adventure Camp in North East, Maryland to debut my training, which I will use as an opportunity to fine tune my approach before bringing it to the staff and faculty of Susquehanna University.

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